Get a free Hal Locate when you take out insurance for your Motorhome or Caravan from Caravan Guard. And receive discounts on your Insurance Premium.
We have teamed up with a leading motorhome and caravan insurance specialist Caravan Guard to give you the chance to get a FREE HAL Locate 3000 tracking device. The FREE device is subject to you paying for a two year tracking Caravan Guard insurance subscription valued at £359 ( Discounted from the normal price of £399). This cost includes the cost of hardware, monitoring subscription for two years, warranty and installation. Installation can be arranged at your home address in the United Kingdom by a team of professional and approved installers. Installation at some locations in Scotland and Ireland can only be arranged at a surcharge , depending upon your address/ postcode.
All you need to do is get a motorhome insurance quote and start your policy with Caravan Guard by calling the insurance quote line number on this page. Caravan Guard will send you details on how to redeem this offer in your quote letter or email. When getting your insurance quote from Caravan Guard, it’s worth finding out what a difference having a Hal Locate device makes to your insurance price. Caravan Guard offers discounts up to 25% on motorhome insurance and up to 15% caravan insurance if you have a Hal Locate 3000 fitted.
What’re you waiting for? Get your FREE Hal Locate today with Caravan Guard insurance policies.